
The following summarizes the workflow for this integration:

  1. The oracle reads the request and retrieves the data from the valuation API in the node, maintained by our partner MatrixedLink

  2. The oracle compares the data from the API to the on-chain valuation data

  3. If any changes are observed, the node will initiate a creation/update routine and submit the new valuations to the on-chain home values

Additional notes:

  • No one can call the node. The request to update the oracle must come from the oracle itself.

  • When new stock is added to the marketplace, Tangible can update valuations by request, triggering the oracle to pull the data from the node, updating the on-chain valuation in the oracle and in Tangible’s listing. This allows new stock transactions to be processed (sold into the treasury) without a 24-hour delay.

  • A timestamp is maintained every time the values presented in Tangible’s UI are checked against the value in the oracle.

  • The oracle is responsible for updating the values of the individual houses, however the total value of the treasury real estate will not update unless triggered by a multisig transaction. This is to prevent any data errors from impacting asset values and ollateralization data.

Last updated